Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Dungeons and Dragons project the World of Selve Part II

Here are the rest of the human sub-races that appear in the World of Selve and these are a work in progress so suggestions would be nice.

  • Kennet: Racial group that lives on the northwest coast of the Dantic Ocean on the tundras. They proud are warrior group believes in honor through battle. Physically they are of average height but they tend be larger at the top. They have typically have blonde or red hair with blue or green eyes. Men tend to have beards because of the cold weather. One of the ways they see honoring the gods is practice of honorable battles and deaths. The Kennet speak Cennetian and their written language is made of ruins. 
  • Lungite: Racial group that resides on the east coast of the Dantic Ocean in the deserts, jungles, and mountains. They are one of the oldest groups in all of Selve, some even think humanity started with them. A rather mixed race but the some standards for them are tall dark skinned with black hair and dark eyes. Some are nomads and some live in cities and towns. Religion ranges from passing interest to fanaticism. Gender roles have seemed to flip within some of bands of the Lungite. The main language is Lungite but there are a few bands that have their very language. 
  • Shun-Wen: Racial group that resides on the east coast of the Dantic Ocean in the mountains, jungles, and deserts. Like many of the other races they seem to be rather mixed but there are some groups that have secluded themselves off from others. Physically they can range from lighter to yellowing to tanned skin tones. Their hair is mostly black and eye are mostly dark, some have large amounts of hair while some have very little natural body hair. Religion ranges from believing in the gods to a believe one can achieve harmony with the universe. The Shun-Wen have many languages but luckily to any adventure and/or trader they have a basic dialect they call Wan. Oriental Adventures can be used for character classes and weapons.  
  • Zharko: Racial group that is resides in the deserts, mountains, and jungles of Selve. Some groups are mixed while others fit standard look of olive to tanned, dark eyes, and black hair. Their focus on religion from passing interest to extreme fanaticism, and some even pray several times throughout the day. Some groups are male centered with the exclusion of females from everything outside the house. The main language used by the Zharko is Ablan but some bands refuse to use it because it is to modern.

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